How do Christian, Hindu, and Islamic traditions address the relationship between God’s essence and God’s existence? What are the fundamental, non-reducible categories of reality? What is the relationship between God and time? A panel of distinguished philosophers of religion joins host Robert Lawrence Kuhn to discuss these questions and more.

This panel features Travis Dumsday (Concordia University of Edmonton), Ravi Gomatam (Bhaktivedanta Institute), and Mohammed Saleh Zarepour (University of Birmingham).

The Global Philosophy of Religion Project aims to make the philosophy of religion a truly global field by promoting the scholarly work of researchers from underrepresented regions and religious traditions. It is led by Professor Yujin Nagasawa and hosted by the University of Birmingham. This interview was conducted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, host of Closer To Truth.

This project was made possible in part through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

The opinions expressed in this video are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the John Templeton Foundation.