What is it about science and theology that causes such conflict? Scientists who are believers speak of the harmony (if not the ‘proof’). Scientists who are...
Topic Series
9 videos
How much can science discover? Are there boundaries to science? Are there truths, real truths, beyond science?
Episode 08
Season 07
Should science and God interact? Many say no while others claim that science describes a world showing ‘God’s handiwork’, or a world that works just fine...
7 videos
There have always been people who did not believe in God, but science today has made it more acceptable to be an atheist. As science continues to explain progressively more...
4 videos
Some say that science and God are not related. Others, that science describes a world that evidences “God’s handiwork,” or a world that works just fine...
Episode 11
Science can deal with God in at least three ways: showing how God is not necessary; showing how God is likely; not relating to God at all. Is only one way best? Atheists...
6 videos
Science can deal with God in at least three ways: Showing how God is not necessary; showing how God is likely; not relating to God at all. Only one way can be correct.
Episode 13
Season 01
Does God exist or not exist? How can so many people be so absolutely sure? Maybe that’s the point! Maybe ‘God’ and ‘No God’ are both defensible....
Although many physicists, astronomers, cosmologists do not believe in God, many do. Why the stark division — divided both by what they believe and by how they interpret the...
5 videos
How do physicists and philosophers who believe in God harmonize the discoveries of cosmology with the doctrine of creation? How does cosmology enhance or erode their belief...
Does God exist or not exist? How can so many people be so absolutely sure-either way? But maybe that’s the point! Maybe “God” and “No God” are...
Episode 01
Season 10