The cosmos is vast, the largest stuff that exists. Particles are tiny, the smallest stuff that exists. Yet the particles compose the cosmos; there is nothing in the cosmos...
Topic Series
7 videos
Is emergence a mystery? Does ordinary stuff have mysterious properties? Take anything; find and separate all its parts and catalogue their properties. Then recombine those...
Nothing means anything without our brains. Not science, not theology, not politics, not love. Everything we know and do—all the sense of human thought, all the feelings of...
To assess whether God exists, we must ask what kind of God is supposed to exist? But can humans probe God? Can we inquire into God’s essence and nature? Is God at all...
9 videos
It seems absurd in a universe with 100 billion galaxies, each with billions of stars and planets, that we are the only intelligent life. So where are all the others? This is...
Parapsychologists are sure ESP is real. Skeptics are sure it is not. But if ESP is real, must explaining ESP go beyond physical laws, into unknown non-physical realms?...
Does everything about a person disappear at death? The body? Sure, it’s gone. The brain? It stops working, then dissolves. But what about awareness? Does our...
If ‘Does God exist?’ is the first question, ‘Is God a Person?’ should be the second. Only a ‘person’ has awareness, knowledge, beliefs,...
8 videos
What can we know about God? The easy answer is ‘nothing’: God is not like anything. Finite humans cannot know an infinite God. But that’s not good enough....
That there is ‘something’ and not ‘nothing’, and that science cannot explain why, is truly fascinating. Does this mean that there is a God? Some argue...
4 videos
Most scientists believe that science can say nothing about God other than to show that there is no need for such a being. Scientists claim that science is quite capable of...