Membership FAQ

As a Closer To Truth Member, you can:

  • Get exclusive access to Closer To Truth episodes before they premiere
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  • Join live conversations with the world’s leading thinkers
  • Create custom video watchlists
  • Receive a weekly email with exclusive content
  • Get recommendations based on your interests

We create tailored recommendations based on your interests. Click the like button on topics, videos, and playlists to improve your recommendations.

Watchlists are custom lists of videos created by clicking the Add to Watchlist button on playlists and videos. Organize watchlists in folders named by you.

Like and remove topics, videos, and playlists to improve your recommendations. Refer to this list to go back and watch content that you enjoy.

We automatically save a history of videos you watched when you are logged in. Revisit this list to watch your favorite videos.   

Full broadcast episodes of Closer To Truth can be found on the Episodes page. As a member, you get access to new episodes before they premiere.

Links to live events are emailed to all Members one week before the event. Can’t find your email invitation?

  • Ensure you are checking the email you used to register for your Insider account.
  • Check your spam folder.
  • Still having problems? Contact us via the link at the bottom of the site.

Find the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email sent by Closer To Truth.