Huston Smith, world religion scholar and seeker of the Divine in diverse religions, died on December 30, 2016. We had the privilege of discussing God, spirit, soul, eternal... video A Tribute to Huston Smith Episode 07 Season 17 26:48 Watch
I would like to believe in God, but conflicting religions trouble me. Religions clash and compete-and that’s a problem for those who believe or want to believe. video Do Religions Complement or Contradict? Episode 11 Season 10 26:47 Watch
No one denies the diversity of human religions, and the apparent incompatibility of their core beliefs. Many believe only their own religion to be True. Some claim all... video Can Many Religions All be True? Episode 07 Season 03 26:45 Watch
Conflicting religions fill the world. Doctrines about God contradict one another. No one denies the diversity of religions and the apparent incompatibility of their core... playlist Can Many Religions All Be True? Topic Series 12 videos 2:31 Watch
Humanity’s diverse religions have deeply opposing beliefs that conflict and contradict. How then to claim that any one is the ‘true religion’? How to... playlist Authentication and Conflict in Religious Belief? Topic Series 8 videos 1:13:12 Watch
Religions clash and compete—that’s a problem for those who believe. Some claim that the similarities of diverse religions—such as seeking transcendence beyond the... playlist Do Religions Complement or Contradict? Topic Series 7 videos 50:02 Watch
Conflict among religions troubles believers and well it should. How to reconcile contradictory doctrines and beliefs with competing claims of ultimate truth? One approach is... playlist Pluralistic Hypothesis of Religion Topic Series 7 videos 58:15 Watch
If we’d like to believe in God, do conflicting religions trouble us? All the doctrinal disputes are wearying. Perhaps each religion complements and enhances the others.... playlist Do Diverse Religions Give Complementary Insights? Topic Series 8 videos 1:21:10 Watch
The many different religions of the world proclaim radically different, often opposing and contradictory doctrines about God. How then can their believers be worshipping the... playlist Do Major Religions Worship the Same God? Topic Series 9 videos 1:24:15 Watch
No one argues that religions do not contradict one another. There are similarities, such as realities beyond the physical, morality, duties to do, rules to follow. But at our... playlist Universalism vs. Particularism in Religions? Topic Series 14 videos 2:04:16 Watch
John Behr Eastern Orthodox priest and theologian; Regius Professor of Humanity, University of Aberdeen
Kelly James Clark Senior Research Fellow, Kaufman Interfaith Institute; Professor, Grand Valley State University
Victoria Harrison Philosopher & Head of Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Macau
Arthur Hyman Professor of Philosophy, former Dean of the Bernard Revel Graduate School, and Rabbi, Yeshiva University
Christopher Knight Orthodox priest, former Executive Secretary of the International Society for Science and Religion
Alister McGrath Andreas Idreos Professorship in Science and Religion, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford
Yujin Nagasawa Kingfisher College Chair of the Philosophy of Religion and Ethics; Professor of the Philosophy, University of Oklahoma
Varadaraja Raman Professor Emeritus of Physics and Humanities, Rochester Institute of Technology; former President, Institute on Religion in an Age of Science
Richard Swinburne Emeritus Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion, University of Oxford
James Tabor Professor and former Chair, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Keith Ward Philospher and Theologian; former Regius Professor of Divinity; former Canon, Christ Church, Oxford