There is more to our mental lives than the current content of our awareness. Our subconscious affects what we sense, think, feel and do. How does the subconscious work its... video How Does the Subconscious Affect Us? Episode 03 Season 17 26:48 Watch
Altered states of consciousness are non-normal states of mental awareness or experiences. These include dreams, hallucinations, induced mental alterations such as by... playlist What are Altered States of Consciousness? Topic Series 6 videos 54:46 Watch
Enlightenment is the claimed higher mental states that characterize various Eastern religious and philosophical traditions. Such enlightenment is usually achieved through... playlist What is Enlightenment? Topic Series 5 videos 33:27 Watch
Is the enlightenment generated by meditation an altered state of consciousness, as much as can be induced by psychoactive chemicals like alcohol? Or is there something... playlist Are Enlightenment & Transcendence Altered States? Topic Series 7 videos 57:26 Watch
How significant is the subconscious? Though Freudian psychology is mostly discredited, most of our mental activity is indeed subconscious. Think about walking, engaging... playlist Powers of the Subconscious Topic Series 7 videos 1:44 Watch
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the perennial problems of suffering, ethics, ritual, and contemplative practices? Why is suffering so important in... playlist Morality, Prescriptive Behavior, Evil, Suffering (Part II) Topic Series 5 videos 38:11 Watch
Deirdre Barrett Clinical Psychologist, Harvard Medical School; Past President, International Association for the Study of Dreams
Jay Garfield Professor of Philosophy, University of Melbourne; Doris Silbert Professor in the Humanities, Smith College
Stuart Hameroff Professor Emeritus, Anesthesiology and Psychology; Director, Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona
Michael Merzenich Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Francisco; Kavli Laureate in Neuroscience
Yujin Nagasawa Kingfisher College Chair of the Philosophy of Religion and Ethics; Professor of the Philosophy, University of Oklahoma
Robert Stickgold Professor of Psychiatry; Director, Center for Sleep and Cognition, Harvard University
Charles Tart Associated Distinguished Professor, Integral and Transpersonal Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies
Gino Yu Associate Professor and Director of Digital Entertainment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University