How does consciousness weave its magical web of inner awareness—appreciating music, enjoying art, feeling love? Even when all mental functions may be explained, the great... playlist Why is Consciousness So Baffling? (Part II) Topic Series 4 videos 33:18 Watch
What is the essence of consciousness? Is consciousness cosmic, pervasive and fundamental, the ultimate reality? Where does our personal consciousness come from? We explore... playlist Consciousness as Ultimate (Part II) Topic Series 5 videos 47:48 Watch
Concepts of consciousness, cosmic and personal. What is it? How does it work? Why / how is consciousness ultimate? What follows? playlist Consciousness as Ultimate (Part I) Topic Series 5 videos 40:04 Watch
Consciousness is what we can know best and explain least. It is the inner subjective experience of what it feels like to see red or smell garlic or hear Beethoven.... playlist What is Consciousness? (Part 5) Topic Series 51:38 Watch
Consciousness is what we can know best and explain least. It is the inner subjective experience of what it feels like to see red or smell garlic or hear Beethoven.... playlist What is Consciousness? (Part 4) Topic Series 8 videos 1:10:04 Watch
How can consciousness be addressed scientifically? The Tucson conference, founded in 1994 and celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2014, exemplifies the quest. What are the... playlist Toward a Science of Consciousness Topic Series 11 videos 1:44:23 Watch
What is the relationship between consciousness and the nature of ultimate reality? Some say there is no relationship; consciousness is a late, contingent product of... playlist Consciousness and Deep Ontology (Part II) Topic Series Watch
What happens to consciousness in transhumanism? Would transhuman creatives have different conscious experiences? Would melding with machines change our inner sense of felt... playlist Transhuman Consciousness? Topic Series Watch
Explore diverse theories of consciousness including materialism, dualism, panpsychism, idealism, and diverse ways of thinking about consciousness from the perspectives of... playlist Theories of Consciousness (Part II) Topic Series Watch
Panpsychism is the theory that consciousness is irreducible and exists fundamentally at the foundations of reality. Panpsychism forms include ‘micropsychism,’ where... playlist Panpsychism: Arguing Pro and Con? (Part II) Topic Series Watch
Materialism is the theory that only the physical is real, such that consciousness must be entirely a product of the brain. Materialism is counting on neuroscience to explain... playlist Materialism: Which Theories Best Contribute? Topic Series Watch
Idealism is the theory that all reality is consciousness and only consciousness, and that what we perceive to be the physical world is either a manifestation of consciousness... playlist Idealism: Arguing Pro and Con (Part II) Topic Series Watch
How did the human mind, with all its faculties and capacities, develop during the long evolution of human beings? ‘Evolutionary psychology’ is the field that hypothesizes... playlist Does Evolutionary Psychology Explain Mind? (Part II) Topic Series 5 videos Watch
There was a time when there was no consciousness in our universe. Now there is. What caused consciousness to emerge? Did consciousness develop in the same way that, say, the... playlist Why did Consciousness Emerge? Topic Series 9 videos 1:10:23 Watch
How did the human mind, with all its faculties and capacities, develop during the long evolution of human beings? ‘Evolutionary psychology’ is the field that... playlist Does Evolutionary Psychology Explain Mind? (Part I) Topic Series 7 videos 1:02:17 Watch
If consciousness is 100% physical, we would have to conclude that the same kind of consciousness that we experience as humans can be generated by non-biological entities... playlist Can Consciousness be Non-Biological? (Part 2) Topic Series 5 videos 43:43 Watch
What causes consciousness? Our inner sense of awareness is at once most mundane and most bizarre. No explanation makes sense. Here are three novel candidates for explaining... video Does Consciousness Require a Radical Explanation? Episode 04 Season 18 26:48 Watch
What would it take for consciousness to defeat materialism or physicalism? This is the worldview that only the physical is real, which is the dominant view of scientists and... playlist Does Consciousness Defeat Materialism? (Part 2) Topic Series 9 videos 1:16:00 Watch
How to explain our inner awareness that is at once most common and most mysterious? Traditional explanations focus at the level of neuron and neuronal circuits in the brain.... playlist Physics of Consciousness Topic Series 8 videos 1:04:47 Watch
Does anything exist beyond the physical world? If yes, could consciousness undermine materialism? If no, could consciousness confirm materialism? It’s the big test. video Does Consciousness Defeat Materialism? Episode 09 Season 16 26:48 Watch
Materialism is the belief that only physical things are real. But physical things seem so utterly different from mental things. Could there be more to materialism than the... video Can Enlarged Materialism Explain Consciousness? Episode 08 Season 16 26:48 Watch
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the perennial problems of suffering, ethics, ritual, and contemplative practices? Why is suffering so important in... playlist Morality, Prescriptive Behavior, Evil, Suffering (Part II) Topic Series 5 videos 38:11 Watch
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the perennial problems of suffering, ethics, ritual, and contemplative practices? Why is suffering so important in... playlist Morality, Prescriptive Behavior, Evil, Suffering (Part I) Topic Series 5 videos 44:28 Watch
There is more to our mental lives than the current content of our awareness. Our subconscious affects what we sense, think, feel and do. How does the subconscious work its... video How Does the Subconscious Affect Us? Episode 03 Season 17 26:48 Watch
‘Non-Duality’ is a particular philosophy, related to Eastern philosophy and religion, that privileges the mental over the physical. It is the claim that the only... playlist What is Non-Duality? Topic Series 2 videos 10:19 Watch
Why do we spend so much of our lives not awake? The physical benefits of sleep cannot be overstated, from fighting disease to ensuring brain health. But what do sleeping and... playlist Why Sleep? Topic Series 4 videos 34:36 Watch
Throughout history, dreams have fascinated and mystified. Messages from God? Images of the subconscious? Much about dreams is myth. What’s real? Science is now studying... playlist New Science of Dreaming Topic Series 5 videos 38:09 Watch
Sleep feels good but most think it a waste of time. Recent research shows quite the opposite: sleep is essential for bodily health and mental well-being, affecting the immune... playlist Secrets of Sleep Topic Series 5 videos 37:25 Watch
Why do we spend so much of our lives not awake? What do sleeping and dreaming reveal about consciousness? video Why Do We Sleep? Episode 07 Season 12 26:45 Watch
Throughout history, dreams have fascinated and mystified. Messages from God? Images of the subconscious? Much about dreams is myth. What’s real? video What are Dreams About? Episode 08 Season 10 26:46 Watch
The nature of human mind and consciousness is one of the perennial, deep questions in philosophy. Assuming that God exists, what happens to the question? In a God-created... playlist Theological Anthropology: What is Human Mind? Topic Series 10 videos 1:33:44 Watch
Some say that consciousness is the only true reality—that everything else, including the universe, comes from consciousness. If so, how would consciousness relate to the... video Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality? Episode 13 Season 15 26:48 Watch
Is consciousness deepest reality, the ground of being of the cosmos? If the question is “What brought all into existence?” the answer is... playlist Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality? Topic Series 9 videos 1:11:09 Watch
The existence of both cosmos and consciousness, each in its own way, constitute deep problems, perhaps grand mysteries beyond human knowing. Some claim that the two mysteries... playlist Can We Explain Cosmos and Consciousness? Topic Series 11 videos 1:46:12 Watch
Scientists say our consciousness is the product of our brains, with purposes set by evolutionary fitness. Theologians believe our consciousness reflects the God who created... playlist Does Human Consciousness have Special Purpose? Topic Series 8 videos 1:04:09 Watch
Cosmos and consciousness seem utterly different, cosmos encompassing the vast universe, consciousness emerging from tiny brains. Yet consciousness is the basis of religion,... playlist Why Explore Cosmos and Consciousness? Topic Series 7 videos 1:15:14 Watch
Metaphysics asks the most profound questions, then uses sophisticated philosophical analysis to seek the deepest truths. What happens when metaphysics trains its analytical... playlist Metaphysics vs. Materialism? (Part 2) Topic Series 7 videos 1:03:18 Watch
Hubert Dreyfus, renowned philosopher of phenomenology, died in 2017. A few years earlier, we discussed consciousness, AI, God, creation, religion, body and soul, existence,... video Being in the World- A Tribute to Hubert Dreyfus Episode 09 Season 18 26:47 Watch
Does what we discover in science reflect what really exists in the world? Can science access external, independent, ultimate reality? “Realists” say yes;... playlist Critical Realism: Ernan McMullin Tribute Topic Series 5 videos 40:11 Watch
Does what we discover in science reflect what really exists in the world? Can science access external, independent, ultimate reality? “Realists” say Yes;... playlist Critical Realism in Science and Theology Topic Series 7 videos 1:03:30 Watch
Consciousness is the great mystery of inner awareness. Where does it exist? Humans, obviously. Animals? Which animals? Chimps, elephants, dolphins, dogs? Termites, snails,... playlist What Things are Conscious? Topic Series 12 videos 1:44:43 Watch
Defining ‘truth’ is an ancient question that in the age of science should find resolution and agreement. But this is not so. Even today, truth remains elusive.... playlist What is Truth? Topic Series 9 videos 1:13:43 Watch