Do human beings have immortal souls? Science dismisses anything nonphysical, and even some theologians reject immortal souls. But if no immortal souls, what happens to... video What’s Wrong with Immortal Souls? Episode 09 Season 08 26:45 Watch
Is the “Real You” a special substance that is both nonphysical and immortal? Most people think “Certainly”. Most scientists think “Certainly... video Do Persons have Souls? Episode 08 Season 01 26:46 Watch
Is the ‘real you’ a special substance that is nonphysical and immortal? Most regular people would agree, but most scientists would not. What are you? A body alone... playlist Do Persons Have Souls? (Part 1) Topic Series 9 videos 1:24:23 Watch
Is the ‘real you’ a special substance that is nonphysical and immortal? Most regular people would agree, but most scientists would not. What are you? A body alone... playlist Do Persons Have Souls? (Part 2) Topic Series 10 videos 1:28:54 Watch
Is a soul required to make a person? If there is no soul, is there no person? Almost all scientists and most philosophers find no need for a soul. Certainly, souls are not... playlist Can a Person Be a Soul? Topic Series 9 videos 1:20:33 Watch
The claim that human beings have or are an ‘immortal soul’ goes back to the ancient Greeks, if not further. In a pre-scientific world, it would seem absurd for... playlist Is the Soul Immortal? Topic Series 6 videos 53:42 Watch
If we imagine that immortal souls exist, we then ask ourselves why do they exist. What is the purpose of a soul that exists into eternity? playlist Why Immortal Souls? Topic Series 5 videos 41:11 Watch
Is there a soul? Is there an afterlife? The two questions are likely related. No soul, no afterlife. Is there any evidence for either? Any argument? However, the two... playlist Does a Soul have an Afterlife? Topic Series 7 videos 53:43 Watch
Belief in the existence of the “spiritual essence” of an immortal soul has infused human thought and history. Still, most of today’s scientists remain... video Can Science Seek the Soul? Roundtable 26:43 Watch
Stephen Braude Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Maryland, Baltimore; former President, Parapscyhological Association
David Chalmers Professor of Philosophy and Co-director, Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, New York University
Daniel Dennett Former University Professor, Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, and Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University
Yujin Nagasawa Kingfisher College Chair of the Philosophy of Religion and Ethics; Professor of the Philosophy, University of Oklahoma
Sam Parnia Associate Professor, Medicine; Director, Critical Care and Resuscitation Research, NYU Langone
Varadaraja Raman Professor Emeritus of Physics and Humanities, Rochester Institute of Technology; former President, Institute on Religion in an Age of Science
John Searle Former Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Language, University of California, Berkeley
Richard Swinburne Emeritus Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion, University of Oxford
Charles Tart Associated Distinguished Professor, Integral and Transpersonal Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies
Keith Ward Philospher and Theologian; former Regius Professor of Divinity; former Canon, Christ Church, Oxford
Dean Zimmerman Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Director of the Rutgers Center for the Philosophy of Religion, Rutgers University