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Five Questions with Martin Nowak

Five Questions with Martin Nowak

Martin Nowak’s latest book Beyond published earlier this year, so Closer To Truth sat down with the mathematician and biologist to discuss his inspiration, his favorite works of art, and more.

You can also read an excerpt from the book published on our website here.

1. What was the inspiration for Beyond?

I wanted to write a book that combines insights from science, mathematics, philosophy, and religion into one worldview. I think a confluence of those four has the power to bring us closer to Truth.

2. What does the title “Beyond” mean?

Humans usually operate in a state of confusion which is caused by selfishness. We are worried, and our worries become destructive. But if you are able to look beyond selfishness, then the world becomes very different, it becomes incredibly beautiful.

3. What works of art move you particularly?

I find the music of Gustav Mahler very moving and inspiring, especially “Das Lied von der Erde.” Mahler treats concepts such as love, redemption and acceptance in a detached way—as someone who remembers.

Beyond is written in six movements like a Mahler symphony: themes are introduced early on that are later revisited and resolved.

4. Beyond has an unusual format. How did you come up with it?

I was looking for a new format in which to present scientific and philosophical ideas creatively. I wanted to weave them into experiences of life and into a search for meaning. I needed characters. As soon as there were people in the book, who were talking about literature, music, science and God, a plot began to unfold.

What they were discussing started to happen to them. The book became a love story.

Keeping in mind that Platonic love is a rational response to the Good and that all love is ultimately for God.

5. What do you hope for in the future of mathematical biology?

I hope that mathematical biology will teach us how to cooperate on a global scale and how to cooperate with future generations. Only cooperation can help us to reach sustainability. The current situation is dangerous. It has now become a quest for the survival of the human species. meaning and beauty to life.

I also hope that a balanced interpretation of science will bring us back to God, since God is our ultimate good and only God can give meaning and beauty to life.

Martin Nowak’s book, Beyond, is available for purchase in paperback now.