We search deepest levels of cosmic reality, the big picture of the puzzle of the universe ā beginning, size, structure, future, far future. We seek significance in... video What is Philosophy of Cosmology? Episode 01 Season 19 26:48 Watch
The observable universe may contain two trillion galaxies and there may be innumerable universes. Is there ultimate unification, a final theory? Search for deep harmony.... video Why Philosophy of Physics & Cosmology? Episode 09 Season 17 26:48 Watch
What constitutes good science? Are there limits to science? If so, what are the boundaries? How deep can science dig into the foundations of the world? video Does Philosophy Help Science? Episode 12 Season 16 26:48 Watch
Can science discover all truths? Or are there truths beyond science? What is science? A process? A way of thinking? How to get at the essence of science, discern how it... video What is Philosophy of Science? Episode 11 Season 16 26:48 Watch
Science is humankind’s magnificent achievement, the way of thinking to discern facts and truths and to reject errors and myths. But how to understand the scientific... playlist Why Philosophy of Science? (Part I) Topic Series 8 videos 1:10:54 Watch
The observable universe may contain two trillion galaxies and there may be innumerable universes. Is there ultimate unification of fundamental forces, a final theory of... playlist Philosophy of Physics and Cosmology Topic Series 6 videos 38:33 Watch
Science is humankind’s magnificent achievement, the way of thinking to discern facts and truths and to reject errors and myths. But how to understand the scientific... playlist Why Philosophy of Science? (Part II) Topic Series 9 videos 1:08:14 Watch
Cosmology is the study of the universe, via theory and observation, of its beginning, evolution, large-scale structure, and far future. A philosophy of cosmology seeks to... playlist Philosophy of Cosmology Topic Series 7 videos 51:59 Watch
We think we understand the physical world but we do not. For example, some features of the world are derived from others, which makes the latter more fundamental and the... playlist How does Philosophy Illuminate the Physical World? (Part I) Topic Series 11 videos 1:37:56 Watch
We think we understand the physical world but we do not. For example, some features of the world are derived from others, which makes the latter more fundamental and the... playlist How Does Philosophy Illuminate the Physical World? (Part II) Topic Series 8 videos 1:16:37 Watch
‘Possible worlds’ are all the ways in which a world can be. A ‘world’ is a complete state of cosmic affairs: all the infinite variations of... playlist What are Possible Worlds? (Part I) Topic Series 5 videos 39:59 Watch
Scott Aaronson Professor of Computer Science; Director, Quantum Information Center, University of Texas at Austin
David Albert Professor of Philosophy and Director of the M.A. Program in The Philosophical Foundations of Physics, Columbia University
Colin Blakemore Former Director of the Centre for the Study of the Senses, Institute of Philosphy, University of London
David Chalmers Professor of Philosophy and Co-director, Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, New York University
Daniel Dennett Former University Professor, Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, and Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University
Mario Livio Astrophysicist, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Visiting Professor of Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science
Carlo Rovelli Theoretical Physicist, Centre de Physique Theorique de Luminy; Distinguished Visiting Research Chair, Perimeter Institute
Jonathan Schooler American psychologist and Distinguished Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, the University of California, Santa Barbara
John Searle Former Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Language, University of California, Berkeley
Bas van Fraassen Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, San Francisco State University; McCosh Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Princeton University
Dean Zimmerman Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Director of the Rutgers Center for the Philosophy of Religion, Rutgers University