video Episode What is Information? Watch Next What’s Strong Emergence? What is Philosophy of Cosmology? Why Philosophy of Physics & Cosmology? Observing Quanta, Observing Nature A Tribute to Marvin Minsky Does Philosophy Help Science? Details Share Information is all the rage in science, changing how we think about fundamental questions. Information has many descriptions, some of them surprising. Why is Information so important to scientists and philosophers? Related Topics CosmosDeep Laws of NatureInformation as Fundamental? Featured In Season 14Astonishing Cosmos
Here’s the claim: each level of the scientific hierarchy — physics, chemistry, biology, psychology — has its own special laws that can never be explained by deeper laws... video What’s Strong Emergence? Episode 05 Season 19 26:48 Watch
We search deepest levels of cosmic reality, the big picture of the puzzle of the universe — beginning, size, structure, future, far future. We seek significance in... video What is Philosophy of Cosmology? Episode 01 Season 19 26:48 Watch
The observable universe may contain two trillion galaxies and there may be innumerable universes. Is there ultimate unification, a final theory? Search for deep harmony.... video Why Philosophy of Physics & Cosmology? Episode 09 Season 17 26:48 Watch
Why is an observer key to quantum physics? Does the act of observation affect what exists and what happens in the external world? Why is Observation in the quantum world a... video Observing Quanta, Observing Nature Episode 08 Season 17 26:48 Watch
One of artificial intelligence’s legendary pioneers, Marvin Minsky, recently died. With this tribute, we celebrate his penetrating analysis of brains, minds, AI, religion... video A Tribute to Marvin Minsky Episode 13 Season 16 26:45 Watch
What constitutes good science? Are there limits to science? If so, what are the boundaries? How deep can science dig into the foundations of the world? video Does Philosophy Help Science? Episode 12 Season 16 26:48 Watch