Patricia S. Churchland
Mark Tramo
Mark Tramo is Director of The Institute for Music & Brain Science and Co-Director of the University of California Multi-Campus Music Research Initiative. He is also Associate Clinical Professor of Neurology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and Adjunct Professor in Ethnomusicology at the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music. A 2015…
V.S. Ramachandran
V.S. Ramachandran is a Distinguished Professor in UCSD’s Department of Psychology, where he is the director of the Center for Brain and Cognition. Ramachandran is known for his wide-ranging experiments and theories in behavioral neurology, including the invention of the mirror box. After earning a medical degree in India, Ramachandran studied experimental neuroscience at Cambridge,…
Elizabeth Margulis
Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis is a professor at Princeton University, where she directs the Music Cognition Lab. Her research approaches music from the combined perspectives of music theory/musicology and cognitive science. Her book On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind received the 2014 Wallace Berry Award from the Society for Music Theory, and the 2015 ASCAP…
John Iversen
John Iversen is a cognitive neuroscientist with a background in physics developing tools to study dynamic mechanisms of cognition and development. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology Neuroscience and Behaviour at McMaster University in Canada. Iversen’s work involves the study of the cooperation between perceptual and motor systems in shaping…
Antonio Damasio
Antonio Damasio is the David Dornsife Chair in Neuroscience, as well as Professor of Psychology, Philosophy, and Neurology, at the University of Southern California. He was previously the chair of neurology at the University of Iowa for 20 years. Damasio heads the Brain and Creativity Institute, and has authored several books: his most recent work,…
Semir Zeki
Semir Zeki is a British neurobiologist who has specialized in studying the primate visual brain and the neural correlates of affective states, such as the experience of love, desire, and beauty that are generated by sensory inputs within the field of neuroesthetics. He was educated at University College London (UCL), where he was Henry Head…
Anjan Chatterjee
Anjan Chatterjee is a professor of neurology, psychology, and architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the director of the Penn Center for Neuroaesthetics and a member of the Brain Science Center. His research focuses on the neurobiology of aesthetic experiences. He also conducts research on spatial cognition and its relationship to language and writes about the ethical use…
Ken Mogi
Ken Mogi is a Senior Researcher at Sony Computer Science Labs. Ken Mogi graduated from University of Tokyo, with a degree in Physics and Law. Then he studied biophysics at the graduate school of University of Tokyo, obtaining his Ph.D. in 1992. After doing research in Riken and University of Cambridge, he is now a…
Michael Graziano
Michael Steven Anthony Graziano is an American scientist and novelist who is currently a professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Princeton University. His scientific research focuses on the brain basis of awareness. Graziano was born in Bridgeport Connecticut in 1967 and spent his childhood in Buffalo, New York. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from…
Giulio Tononi
Giulio Tononi is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist who holds the David P. White Chair in Sleep Medicine, as well as a Distinguished Chair in Consciousness Science, at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Tononi and collaborators have pioneered several complementary approaches to study sleep. These include genomics, proteomics, fruit fly models, rodent models employing multiunit /…