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Henry Stapp

Henry Stapp is an American physicist, known for his work in quantum mechanics, particularly the development of axiomatic S-matrix theory, the proofs of strong nonlocality properties, and the place of free will in the “orthodox” quantum mechanics of John von Neumann. Stapp earned a BS in Physics from the University of Michigan, and an MA…

Lisa Randall

Lisa Randall is an American theoretical physicist and a leading expert on particle physics and cosmology. She works on several of the competing models of string theory in the quest to explain the fabric of the universe. Her best known contribution to the field is the Randall-Sundrum model, first published in 1999 with Raman Sundrum.…

Lee Smolin

Lee Smolin is an American theoretical physicist, a researcher at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, and an adjunct professor of physics at the University of Waterloo. Smolin is best known for devising several approaches to quantum gravity, in particular loop quantum gravity. He advocates that the two primary approaches to quantum gravity, loop quantum…

Dean Rickles

Dean Rickles is Professor of History and Philosophy of Modern Physics at the University of Sydney and a Director of the Sydney Centre for Time. Rickles received his PhD from the University of Leeds, under the supervision of Steven French, with a thesis on conceptual issues in quantum gravity. He took up a postdoctoral fellowship…

Roger Penrose

Sir Roger Penrose is a British mathematician, mathematical physicist, philosopher of science and Nobel Laureate in Physics. He is the Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford, as well as an Emeritus Fellow of Wadham College.  Penrose is internationally renowned for his scientific work in mathematical physics,…

Don Page

Don N. Page is a Canadian theoretical physicist at the University of Alberta, Canada. His work focuses on quantum cosmology and theoretical gravitational physics, and he is noted for being a doctoral student of the eminent Professor Stephen Hawking, in addition to publishing several journal articles with him. He is an Evangelical Christian. Page earned…

Russell Stannard

Russell Stannard is a retired high-energy particle physicist, currently holding the position of Professor Emeritus of Physics at the Open University. Stannard Studied Physics at University College London, where he earned a BSc in Special Physics, followed by a PhD in Cosmic Ray Physics. He has served as a lecturer at University College London, before…

Paul Steinhardt

Paul J. Steinhardt is the Albert Einstein Professor of Science at Princeton University and Director of the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science at Princeton University, where he is also on the faculty of both the Department of Physics and the Department of Astrophysical Sciences. He received his B.S. at the California Institute of Technology and…

Lawrence Krauss

Lawrence Maxwell Krauss is a Canadian-American theoretical physicist and cosmologist who is a Professor of Physics, Foundation Professor of the School of Earth and Space Exploration, and Director of the Origins Project at Arizona State University. He is the author of several bestselling books, including The Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing.…

Jenann Ismael

Jenann Ismael is the William H. Miller III Professor of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University.  Previously, she was Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University and affiliate of the Zuckerman Institute. She has also taught at Stanford University (1996-98) and the University of Arizona (1998-2018).  Ismael earned her MA and PhD from Princeton University in 1994 and 1997, where her dissertation advisor was Bas…

Bruce Murray

Bruce C. Murray is a Professor Emeritus of Planetary Science and Geology at Caltech and former Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He received his PhD in Geology from MIT in 1955 and was employed by Standard Oil of California, the USAF, and the United States Civil Service before joining Caltech in 1960. He became…

Robert Laughlin

Robert Betts Laughlin is a theoretical physicist and the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Stanford University. Along with Horst L. Störmer of Columbia University and Daniel C. Tsui of Princeton University, he was awarded a share of the 1998 Nobel Prize in physics for their explanation of…