Featured An Invitation to Become a Closer To Truth Member An invitation to become a member from Robert Lawrence Kuhn, host and creator of Closer To Truth
Perspective The Art of Table Tennis in Thinking and Living Robert shares his resolutions for the new year and how practical solutions can be employed in everyday thinking and living.
Perspective An End-of-Year Message from Robert Lawrence Kuhn Host Robert Lawrence Kuhn bids farewell to 2024 and gives a glimpse of what's to come for CTT in the new year.
Book Excerpt James Boyle: The Line: AI and the Future of Personhood Read an excerpt from "The Line: AI and The Future of Personhood" by Duke Law Professor James Boyle.
Perspective Five Questions with Greg Epstein Greg M. Epstein—Humanist chaplain at MIT and Harvard University—spoke to Closer To Truth about technology, religion, and the future of humanity.
Perspective Five Questions with David Papineau Learn about philosopher David Papineau's favorite topics in science, his biggest influence, his most controversial opinion, and more.
Book Excerpt Gary Marcus: Taming Silicon Valley Read of excerpt of "Taming Silicon Valley" by cognitive scientist Gary Marcus about Big Tech, AI, and more.
Perspective Five Questions with Martin Nowak Closer To Truth sat down with the mathematician and biologist Martin Nowak to discuss the inspiration behind his book, his favorite works of art, and more.
Book Excerpt Martin Nowak: Beyond Read an excerpt from Martin Nowak's book, "Beyond", a fusion of science, philosophy, meditative prayer, love story, and mystery.
Perspective The Dangerous Illusion of AI Consciousness AI expert and DeepMind contributor Shannon Vallor explores OpenAI's latest GPT-4o model, based on the ideas of her new book, "The AI Mirror".
Perspective Consciousness Came Before Life Most scientists believe that consciousness came after life, as a product of evolution. But astrobiologist Stuart Hameroff argues that consciousness may have been what made evolution and life possible in the first place.
Perspective New Theory of Gravity Solves Accelerating Universe Theoretical physicist Claudia de Rham shares her thoughts on why we shouldn't rely on dark energy and offers a new theory of gravity.