What is consonance in science and theology that some say we should quest for it? Human harmony among diverse beliefs is laudatory, but artificial harmony between science and...
Topic Series
8 videos
What is it about science and theology that grips people so emotionally, as during a war, such that each is committed to his or her viewpoint (which often are sharply opposed...
7 videos
Science and religion each claims dominion over deep reality. But science and religion are not parallel. All should believe science, humanity’s common language, while...
Episode 05
Season 16
A skeptic duels with a Christian theologian and a scientist who is a devout Muslim on whether or not belief in an all-powerful, eternal deity is truly compatible with...
For centuries, science and religion have been battling, with science advancing, religion retreating. Is this proper? We follow the current battles. We propose no truce.
Episode 11
Season 06
Some say that science and theology together reveal deep reality. Others say that only science makes sense; theology is myth. Which is it? Science alone? Or science and...
Episode 08
Season 08
Science and theology have a tumultuous history of conflict and strife on the one hand, and attempts to seek consilience and consonance on the other. Can philosophy help...
If we seek answers to ultimate questions of human existence, can science provide them? Which of them? Ultimate questions include morality and art as well as purpose or...
9 videos
Most scientists believe that science can say nothing about God other than to show that there is no need for such a being. Scientists claim that science is quite capable of...
Don’t let the heated argument or the smooth talk fool you: the struggle between science and religion carries deep significance. Meaning and Purpose hang in the balance...
Episode 13
Season 03
The relationship between science and theology has easy conflicts and hard harmonies. Is consonance possible? What is consonance in science and religion that we should quest...
Episode 03
Season 18
Science and theology both reach for the heavens. Both seek the deep truths of existence and human life. Scientific facts, once demonstrated, are recognized widely as correct,...