If the deep laws of the universe had been ever so slightly different human beings wouldn’t, and couldn’t, exist. All explanations of this exquisite fine-tuning,...
Topic Series
6 videos
Consider humanity’s astounding progress in science during the past three hundred years. Now take a deep breath and project forward three billion years. Assuming humans...
9 videos
In the far, far future, what happens to planets, stars, galaxies, black holes? What’s the ‘Big Rip’ and the ‘Big Crunch’? And if ‘multiple universes’ exist,...
Episode 04
Season 13
If the universe had been ever so slightly different, human beings wouldn’t, couldn’t, exist. All explanations of this exquisite fine-tuning, obvious and...
Episode 02
Season 03
I look up and I look down and I chill with awe. I look up to the universe and envision hundreds of billions of galaxies. I look down to the atom and imagine minuscule,...
Season 07
Why does the order of the universe lead some to God? Can an connection be made from the apparent order in the universe to the existence of an order-giver such as God? But God...
Everything that begins to exist requires a cause. If the universe began to exist, does this require a first cause outside the universe? But even if everything in the universe...
Multiple universes? How can scientists come to believe in more than one universe? The idea sounds astounding. Our universe is immense by itself. How could there be more than...
7 videos
“Quantum” is the theory of the utterly small. “Cosmology” is the study of the utterly large. They combine, remarkably, when in the very early universe the entire...
5 videos