How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the essence of human sentience? What is consciousness? What is the self? What is qi? Do humans have souls or...
Topic Series
6 videos
Theologians have no tougher task than explaining evil, its enormity even more than its existence. Give the clergy their due: they’ve devised clever, even profound,...
Episode 08
Season 02
If God is perfect, does this mean that God cannot change? Since perfection cannot be improved, would any change diminish God’s perfection? But a changeless God has...
To search for meaning, God or something like God is often involved. But this need not be so. How can meaning be found, or purpose realized, without invoking supernatural...
What would it mean for God to have a ‘nature’? A nature is a deep essence that defines a particular way of being. Would God’s nature characterize, limit or...
9 videos
Theists and atheists debate whether God exists. But about what God are they arguing? There’s enormous variation in the kinds of Gods that populate world religions....
7 videos
God is said to be all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good. But what is God’s private mental life? Can we appreciate God as a Supreme Being?
Episode 03
Season 12
Theists who believe in God and avoid the problem of evil delude themselves. If there is a God, evil is God’s hardest problem to explain. If there is no God, evil is the...
5 videos
God and Time are two huge mysteries; relating them probes the nature of God, and perhaps even the existence of a Creator. If God is in Time and experiences its passage, then...
Episode 07
What can we know about God? The easy answer is ‘nothing’: God is not like anything. Finite humans cannot know an infinite God. But that’s not good enough....
Is it possible to infer something of the nonphysical, divine existence of God from the physical, human existence of art? Can one argue for God from art?
8 videos