What do scientists mean when they call the laws and regularities of nature beautiful? On the largest supra-cosmic scales, and on the smallest sub-atomic scales, why do...
Topic Series
5 videos
What do scientists mean when they call the laws and regularities of nature “beautiful”? On the largest supra-cosmic scales, and on the smallest sub-atomic scales,...
Episode 03
Season 03
Could information be the stuff of which everything is made? Information seems so abstract, not a substance or a thing, so how could it be the building blocks of reality?...
8 videos
To appreciate time is to touch the texture of reality. Does time differ from our common perceptions of flow and passage? Is time fixed or flexible? Do we misunderstand time?...
6 videos
Quantum theory explains the microworld. General relativity, discovered by Einstein, explains gravity and the structure of the universe. The problem is that the two are not...
To appreciate Time is to touch the texture of reality. Does Time differ from our common perceptions of it? Is Time fixed or flexible?
Episode 02
Season 11
That the cosmos is a computer sounds like a modern metaphor, a way of explaining how things work. But some make a bolder claim: that the cosmos is in reality a computer, not...
15 videos
What does it mean for time to be real? Is time the ultimate stage on which all events play? Some physicists and philosophers would say no, time is an illusion; time is not...
Prediction is the fruitful product of good science, but how far can prediction go? Physics is the most mathematical and rigorous of the sciences and so prediction is most...
What does it mean for space and time to be the same thing? Not related to each other, but literally two descriptions of precisely the same entity called...
4 videos
Particles at two places at the same time—superposition. Particles communicating instantly with no respect to distance—entanglement. How to make sense of such weirdness?...
Mathematics describes the real world of atoms and acorns, stars and stairs, with remarkable precision. So is mathematics invented by humans-like chisels and hammers and...
Episode 09
Season 04