Evil is a high hurdle for theists. Given the savagery of moral evil (what humans do to humans) and the horrors of natural evil (earthquakes, tsunamis, disease), how could an...
Topic Series
8 videos
The problem of evil troubles believers and well it should. How to explain the moral evil of human acts and the natural evil of nature? How could God be both all-powerful and...
11 videos
Let’s understand the arguments of atheism. Let’s examine both kinds of anti-God arguments: those that refute the existence of God and those that promote the...
Arguments that seek to show God does not exist are incredibly important. Why? Because God is not a game. Believing in the existence of God is a massive conclusion about...
7 videos
Theists must consider arguments against God. They should assess both the strong attacks of atheists and the counterattacks of scholarly believers who try to rebut...
6 videos
Should believing in God be the product of one’s own thinking? Shoule we avoid simply following the traditions or norms of the society or social group in which we were...
5 videos
God exists? God does not exist? What kinds of Gods? It’s no challenge to find flaws and fallacies on all sides. Can we step away from old arguments and ask how to...
10 videos
Whether extra-terrestrial intelligences exist has profound implications for human religion. We are either alone or not alone in the universe, but no matter the ultimate...
Episode 07
Season 04
In our search for God we steer clear of miracles. Believers exhort that miracles are real and evince the existence of a supernatural being. As promoted by serious thinkers we...
9 videos
Whether or not God exists is a vital question and that’s why debates about God are important. Arguments for and against the existence of God are productive. Debating...
All who affirm that God does exist should examine the strong attacks of those who conclude that God does not exist, and then assess the sharp counterattacks of scholarly...
Episode 05
Believers in God should be appalled when poor arguments are offered to ‘prove’ the existence of God. These arguments can be so bad that one might think the...