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Does God’s Knowledge Ruin Free Will?

Since God (supposedly) knows everything and can never be wrong, including about future events, how could those future events not come to pass? If we cannot do other than what God knew prior, how then free will?

Why God, Not Nothing?

To solve the great mystery ‘Why does Anything At All Exist?’, many invoke ‘God’. But isn’t God also ‘Anything’? How could God be the reason why there is ‘Something’ rather than ‘Nothing’?

What can we Learn from Alternative Gods?

Novel concepts of God challenge theism—rejecting the God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Is this ‘heresy’? Or enlarging our vision of what the Ultimate can be like?”

Does Moral Responsibility Require Free Will?

Philosophers and brain scientists argue that our ‘will’ is less ‘free’ than we think. How do arguments about free will impact morality and civil society, including the judicial system and legal defenses?

What Things are Real?

Is the physical world real? Or an expression of consciousness. Is consciousness real? Or an illusion? Is there a spirit world? Many dismiss anything other than the physical.

What Causes Religious Belief?

Why are religions so pervasive, across diverse human cultures? If God exists, would God have made it so? But there are entirely natural reasons to expect the widespread belief in God.

Is Death Final?

Death is the ultimate defeat. No matter our successes, we are all doomed to suffer the final failure. But some claim that death is not final. Can the defeat be defeated?

Can the Divine be a Person?

What if God were a ‘person’? A person has sense, knowledge, will, intent, feelings.  A person can be compassionate, sympathetic, empathetic. If God were a person, there’d be hope that all might end well.

Will the Universe Ever End?

In the far, far future, what happens to planets, stars, galaxies, black holes? What’s the ‘Big Rip’ and the ‘Big Crunch’? And if ‘multiple universes’ exist, if one universe ends, do others begin?

Is This God?

Can humans probe God? Can we inquire into God’s essence and nature? Is God at all knowable? Or forever beyond human understanding? Let’s be bold in questioning God.

What is Consciousness?

Consciousness is what we know best and explain least. It is the inner subjective experience of what it feels like to see red or smell garlic or hear Beethoven. Consciousness is baffling.

What is Ultimate Reality?

What’s the deepest nature of things? Our world is complex, filled with so much stuff. But down below, what’s fundamental? Only the physical world? Or anything nonphysical?