Can God Face Up Evil?
If I seek God and avoid “the problem of evil,” I fool myself. If there is a God, evil is God’s hardest problem. If there is no God, evil is No-God’s easiest evidence.
If I seek God and avoid “the problem of evil,” I fool myself. If there is a God, evil is God’s hardest problem. If there is no God, evil is No-God’s easiest evidence.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam each proclaim a resurrection of the dead, a bodily reconstruction of all people from all time. How would it work? Does it make sense?
The very early universe likely underwent a period of enormous expansion called “inflation.” The theory stunned cosmology. Here’s the story of its discovery.
Throughout history, dreams have fascinated and mystified. Messages from God? Images of the subconscious? Much about dreams is myth. What’s real?
What kind of God would create hell? Does the truth of Christianity, Judaism and Islam depend on the reality of Hell? Does the nature of Hell offer Insight into what that God would be like?
Creation is God’s glory; creating is God’s essence. I’ve heard this so often and so long it seems to make sense. But does it make sense?
Science and religion-each pursues Big Truth and offers total solutions. Science works. That’s for sure. Religion? Not so sure. Does any reality exist beyond the expanding reach of science?
Why do we spend so much of our lives not awake? What do sleeping and dreaming reveal about consciousness?
Do intelligent aliens exist? Who knows? But here’s what I do know: The potential existence of intelligent aliens probes meaning and purpose in the universe.
I like arguments about God, whether based on science, philosophy or personal experience. I like to push and to be pushed, explore the possible existence of a Creator. I must also consider defeaters of God.
Can Philosophy of Religion Find God? Does God exist? What are God’s attributes and traits? How should we examine such questions about God? Can philosophy provide insights about God?
I desire God to be real, so I know that the easiest person to fool is myself. That’s why I favor rational arguments for, and against, the existence of a Supreme Creator.