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Philosophy of Function, Fitness, Adaptation

How are the terms “function,” “fitness,” and “adaptation” used in the context of evolution? How does function relate to fitness and thus to reproductive success? How do adaptations occur and which ones survive and prosper?

Philosophy of Biological Ethics & New Norms (Part II)

Can biology—especially evolutionary biology—help explain ethics, and if so, can science influence ethics and help set new norms? If science can, should science do? Topics range from issues of sex/gender to punishment for crime.

Philosophy of Biological Ethics & New Norms (Part I)


Philosophy of Evolutionary Cognition, Emotion, Consciousness (Part I)

What can evolution reveal about the developmental history of thinking and feeling? How did cognition and emotion (affect) co-develop over evolutionary time? Moreover, what can we learn from evolution about the mystery of consciousness?



Philosophy of Life, Biological Thinking, & Theories (Part I)

What are biological theories, their scope and depth? How do biologists think? How do they conduct their research and construct their theories? What happens when traditional theories are challenged?
