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Philosophy of Evolution & Religion (Part II)

Two kinds of questions describe the relationship between evolution and religion. The first explores discrepancies, even contradictions, between the science of evolution and the beliefs of religion. The second examines how religion itself evolved.

Philosophy of Evolution & Religion (Part I)

Two kinds of questions describe the relationship between evolution and religion. The first explores discrepancies, even contradictions, between the science of evolution and the beliefs of religion. The second examines how religion itself evolved.

Philosophy of Sex, Sexuality, Gender (Part II)

Sexual questions abound. What is “normal” sexual behavior vs. multiple variations? How to appreciate LGBTQ+ issues? What can be learned from sex in animal models that is relevant for human sexuality? A philosophical perspective can provide clarity.

Philosophy of Biological Information (Part I)

What is information in biology? information is essential for analyzing data and testing hypotheses. But what is information in evolution, population genetics, levels of selection, and molecular genetics? Is computational biology transformational?

Philosophy of Communications & Language

What is the deep nature of biological communications? All life “communicates” by exchanging information with other life. So, when does communication become “language” And what is so special about human language?

Metaphysics: Essence and Existence (Part II)

How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the ultimate essence of all things, the ground of being? What are transcendence, oneness, interconnectivity, ineffability? Compare Dao in Daoism to Brahman in Hinduism. Compare Wu in Daoism with Emptiness in Buddhism. Does God fit in?





Inner Life, Contemplative Practices (Part II)

Inner Life, Contemplative Practices (Part I)