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Existence and Attributes of Foundational Reality (Part II)

How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, Hinduism, and Shintoism address causality, consciousness, energies, God, and ultimate reality? What is non-dualism? How is the world interconnected? How are metaphysics and morality related?


Morality, Prescriptive Behavior, Evil, Suffering (Part II)

How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the perennial problems of suffering, ethics, ritual, and contemplative practices? Why is suffering so important in Buddhism? Why karma in Hinduism? Why systems of nature in Chinese traditions?



Morality, Prescriptive Behavior, Evil, Suffering (Part I)

How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the perennial problems of suffering, ethics, ritual, and contemplative practices? Why is suffering so important in Buddhism? Why karma in Hinduism? Why systems of nature in Chinese traditions?

The Nature of the Human Person (Part II)

How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the essence of human sentience? What is consciousness? What is the self? What is qi? Do humans have souls or spirits? Are humans dualistic beings? Or pure souls/spirits?



The Nature of the Human Person (Part I)

How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the essence of human sentience? What is consciousness? What is the self? What is qi? Do humans have souls or spirits? Are humans dualistic beings? Or pure souls/spirits?

