What is it about the brain that enables some scientists to claim they can explain mind? And what is it about scientific explanations that some philosophers reject?
Episode 04
Season 02
Did art and religion co-evolve in parallel as archeology and anthropology suggest, and if so, what would be the significance? What do art and religion have in common that...
Topic Series
5 videos
Can understanding how the mind appreciates art give insight into how the mind works? What is it about art that it can reveal the process of creativity and imagination and the...
8 videos
We all wish for better memories. But how are memories stored? For all our neuroscience, we still do not know even the level in the brain where memories are stored—from...
9 videos
How does human thinking and feeling affect human culture? How does collective society emerge from individual mentalities?
6 videos
In the past, philosophers have been skeptical about the place of empirical analysis in art, but many believe that cognitive science can enrich the understanding of...
How do injured brains help explain normal brains? One of the most powerful ways of learning about normal brain function is to examine what functions are lost when parts or...
What does it mean to claim that the mind extends beyond the brain in some meaningful way? Can objects in the external environment, such as a computer or even a notebook,...
3 videos
Closer To Truth is highlighting remarkable women advancing philosophy and neuro/cognitive science.
Curated, Topic Series
12 videos
As far as we know, brains are the most highly organized matter in the universe. How they make their magic is just astonishing. How can 100 billion or so neurons, each with...
7 videos
Nothing means anything without our brains. Not science, not theology, not politics, not love. Everything we know and do—all the sense of human thought, all the feelings of...