How can we have confidence in what we know or believe? What is knowledge? What is belief? How is belief justified? And is justified belief knowledge? How can we not doubt...
Episode 07
Season 18
Creativity is exciting, but also demanding, consuming, frustrating, and addicting. It’s inspiring, but also fickle, erratic, tricky, and risky. Experts gather to...
Stories of ‘near death experiences’ (NDEs) are legion, affecting all cultures and peoples. NDEs have similarities—white lights, tunnels, spirit beings, feelings...
Topic Series
2 videos
The word “community” may sound archaic, a social remnant of the idyllic 1950s. But paradoxically, in our high-tech age of instant information,...
Can humans have knowledge of God? Between humans and God, between finite and infinite, there seems an unbridgeable gap. So what can it mean to “know God”? There are...
Episode 08
Season 19
Everyone has beliefs—some are simple and basic (e.g., my name, age), others complex and controversial (e.g., God? Soul? Politics? Morality?). But what is the concept of...
5 videos
Do human beings have immortal souls? Science dismisses anything nonphysical, and even some theologians reject immortal souls. But if no immortal souls, what happens to...
Episode 09
Season 08
Close you eyes. Now fast-forward 25 years. Open your eyes. What do you see? Humanity has moved through the agrarian age to the industrial age and now, the information age....
What makes me a self? I see. I hear. I feel. How can separate perceptions bind together into a coherent mental unity? How can all be me? And how does my self persist through...
Episode 06
Long life is humanity’s ancient and perennial goal. Prophets promised it, explorers searched for it and today’s society is obsessed with it. Today’s...
We are privileged to be living when science is making astounding progress. Humanity has learned so much, so quickly. What will science achieve in another hundred years? A...
4 videos
If ESP is real–that’s a big “If”–then our entire worldview would change. Existence would be somehow enlarged. But extraordinary claims demand...
Episode 03