Physically, humans and animals seem similar. Mentally, humans seem so superior. What’s so special about human nature? Language? Culture? Compare brain structures and...
Topic Series
10 videos
What does it mean to have an ‘afterlife’? Are there different kinds of afterlives? What would it feel like to be in an afterlife? If one samples the various...
6 videos
Parapsychologists are sure ESP is real. Skeptics are sure it is not. But if ESP is real, would ESP need to go beyond physical laws, reaching into unknown non-physical realms?
Episode 03
Season 06
What does it mean to be a “self”? Look at an old photo. Then look in the mirror. Those two images are of the same person, right? How so? They don’t look the...
Episode 11
Season 05
Think back 5, 10, 20 years—50 if you’re old enough. Physically, you are completely different. Mentally, you feel pretty much the same. Decades roll by and every...
Why do people believe the things they do? We like to think that we are rational, that what we believe is true. But often we come to our beliefs, unknowingly, as a product of...
What makes one a person or a self? If he or she sees, hears, thinks and feels, is that a person or a self? How can separate perceptions bind together into a coherent mental...
7 videos
Why are ‘belief systems’ so powerful? How do they control religion and politics and all ways of thinking from a scientific worldview to conspiracy theories? What...
8 videos
Personal identity seems so strong. We have the same sense of ourselves throughout our lives, even though everything about our physical bodies and brains is changing...
Synchronicity makes an extraordinary claim about reality—events may be linked in diverse and strange ways that defy all physical law, causality and common sense. What would...
4 videos
We like to think that we are rational, that what we believe is what is true. But we often believe because of our “belief systems”-“how we believe” may...
Episode 10
Season 10