Do human beings have immortal souls? Science dismisses anything nonphysical, and even some theologians reject immortal souls. But if no immortal souls, what happens to...
Episode 09
Season 08
Is the ‘real you’ a special substance that is nonphysical and immortal? Most regular people would agree, but most scientists would not. What are you? A body alone...
Topic Series
10 videos
What does it mean to be a ‘self’? What characteristics distinguish a self from a non-self? What are the boundaries between self and non-self? Is there a...
6 videos
What makes me a self? I see. I hear. I feel. How can separate perceptions bind together into a coherent mental unity? How can all be me? And how does my self persist through...
Episode 06
What is the three-way relationship among mind, art, and transcendence? What is it about art that can elicit the sense of transcendence, going beyond the self, bursting the...
What does it mean to be a ‘person’? How do persons differ from other living things? Must all human beings be persons? Always? When does personhood start—during...
8 videos
If ESP is real–that’s a big “If”–then our entire worldview would change. Existence would be somehow enlarged. But extraordinary claims demand...
Episode 03
Can understanding how the mind appreciates art give insight into how the mind works? What is it about art that it can reveal the process of creativity and imagination and the...
7 videos
Parapsychologists are sure ESP is real. Skeptics are sure it is not. But if ESP is real, would ESP need to go beyond physical laws, reaching into unknown non-physical realms?
Season 06
Look at an old photo. Then look in the mirror. Those two images are of the same person, right? How so? They don’t look the same. Their memories are different. And...
What does it mean to be a “self”? Look at an old photo. Then look in the mirror. Those two images are of the same person, right? How so? They don’t look the...
Episode 11
Season 05