Whether or not God exists is a vital question and that’s why debates about God are important. Arguments for and against the existence of God are productive. Debating...
Topic Series
8 videos
How to make sense of the Christian claim that there is only one God but three persons? Why is it that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—just three persons—compose...
5 videos
What does it mean for God to have a “nature”? Will contradictions emerge that deny God? Or can we know even a little of what such an incredible Being might be...
Episode 10
Season 08
Is God, if there is a God, a personal, conscious, all-powerful Supreme Being? Some offer radically different concepts of ‘God’, exploring novel ideas of what God...
11 videos
God and Time are two huge mysteries; relating them probes the nature of God, and perhaps even the existence of a Creator. If God is in Time and experiences its passage, then...
Episode 07
Season 02
If God exists, and if God ordains history and intervenes with miracles, how does God do it? Tweak quantum fields? Fiddle with every subatomic particle? Command all of them en...
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, Hinduism, and Shintoism address causality, consciousness, energies, God, and ultimate reality? What is non-dualism? How is the world...
Abstract objects, like numbers and logic, give God problems. Because they always exist and exist necessarily, abstract objects cannot be created or destroyed. But could God...
What are the classical arguments used to prove the existence of God? For the Cosmological Argument we argue First Cause; from the Ontological Argument we argue Necessary...
6 videos
The many different religions of the world proclaim radically different, often opposing and contradictory doctrines about God. How then can their believers be worshipping the...
9 videos
God is said to be all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good. But what is God’s private mental life? Can we appreciate God as a Supreme Being?
Episode 03
Season 12