Whoever believes in the existence of God must explain the presence of evil. To theists, it’s “the problem of evil,” which they struggle to resolve. To...
Episode 08
Season 04
A perfect being, as defined by philosophical-motivated theologians (particularly during the Middle Ages), is “that which no greater can be conceived”. What does...
Topic Series
5 videos
What happens in God’s judgment? If God really exists, and the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are in any way true, what are the scriptural...
6 videos
In searching, striving to know God—if there is a God—we discover contrasting ways that God could be. It is good to wonder about God, see a landscape of possibilities, get...
Episode 05
Season 15
What is the ultimate essence of all things? What is ultimate existence, the ground of being? What are transcendence, oneness, ineffability, causation? What is Brahman in...
Let’s understand the arguments of atheism. Let’s examine both kinds of anti-God arguments: those that refute the existence of God and those that promote the...
11 videos
The Global Philosophy of Religion Project, in partnership with the University of Birmingham, aims to make the philosophy of religion a truly global field by promoting the...
24 videos
If God exists, one most important question is whether God is a “person”. Only a person has awareness, beliefs, intents, goals, relationships. An impersonal force...
Episode 12
Season 05
Predestination is ultimate destiny, fate. It is the claim by some religions that a Supreme Being, whether a personal God or a cosmic force, has determined for individual...
4 videos
The Christian incarnation is the central event of the Christian religion. Some Christian theologians go further and claim the incarnation to be the central event in the...
It’s a staggering idea: God became flesh. Why would the Creator become human? For believers, how could Divine and Human natures interact? For non-believers, how do beliefs...
Episode 11
Season 19