Why does ESP fascinate? What is it about ESP that captures the imagination? Is it a challenge to contemporary science’s physical-only worldview? A desire to...
Topic Series
7 videos
Multiple universes used to be pure speculation. Today, most cosmologists are sure they exist, perhaps in many forms and almost certainly in vast numbers, perhaps infinite in...
What is the deepest nature of things? Our world is complex, filled with so much stuff. But down below, what’s most fundamental, what is ultimate reality? Is there...
9 videos
What’s ‘new’ about the New Atheists? Atheism has been around for a long time. There are surely new attitudes and confidence. Are there also new evidence and...
Sleep feels good but most think it a waste of time. Recent research shows quite the opposite: sleep is essential for bodily health and mental well-being, affecting the immune...
5 videos
Why does the mystery of consciousness lead some to the existence of God and a spirit world, and others to only the physical world and the physical brain? What is it about...
Can free will reveal the nature of mental states? Free will seems so obvious, yet defies physical explanation. That’s the reason why free will can be a tool to explore...
10 videos
Free will seems the simplest of notions. Why then is free will so vexing to philosophers? Here’s why: no one knows how free will works! Science, seemingly, permits no...
The existence of both cosmos and consciousness, each in its own way, constitute deep problems, perhaps grand mysteries beyond human knowing. Some claim that the two mysteries...
11 videos
What does it mean to claim that the mind extends beyond the brain in some meaningful way? Can objects in the external environment, such as a computer or even a notebook,...
3 videos
How do physicists and philosophers who believe in God harmonize the discoveries of cosmology with the doctrine of creation? How does cosmology enhance or erode their belief...
6 videos