What can we learn when people deceive? There are all kinds of deception: from lying, duplicity, and disguises, to propaganda, disinformation, and deep fakes. Self-deception,...
Episode 10
Season 21
Evolutionary biologist Nathan Lents argues that many of our supposedly modern ideas about gender and human sexuality are, in fact, deeply rooted in our animal ancestors. In...
Authors Series, CTT Chat
CTT Chat
The revolutionary medical breakthrough of gene therapy is much more than the treatment of disease by altering human DNA — it offers the intriguing possibility of...
We know that the very early universe was a cauldron of immensely hot plasma gas that seemed uniform and undifferentiated, the paragon of simplicity. And yet, over time,...
Topic Series
4 videos
Did art and religion co-evolve in parallel as archeology and anthropology suggest, and if so, what would be the significance? What do art and religion have in common that...
5 videos
Daniel Dennett discusses the philosophy of biology, evolutionary causation, the importance of evolution, and why there is anything at all.
From biblical times to Darwin, natural theology tried to detect and discern God by seeing and sensing His presence in the world-the world alone, without revelation. But after...
Episode 01
Season 06
Is consciousness something special in the universe, a carrier of meaning and purpose? Or is consciousness a mere artifact of the brain, a by-product of evolution? I hope...
Episode 02
Season 10
If life is a vast space of possibilities, then mathematics can engage with biology. Statistics analyze biological data, and mathematical models improve biological theories...
Episode 9
Season 22
Philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett discusses his new memoir, I’ve Been Thinking, about the dominant themes of twentieth-century philosophy and cognitive...
Neuropsychologist Nicholas Humphrey talks about his book, Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness. He tackles the hard problem of consciousness, Phenomenal Consciousness...