Our universe is astounding in that the laws of physics have to be perfect beyond belief for stars and planets, and for human beings, to even exist. Does this demonstrate, if...
Topic Series
6 videos
How can so many numbers of nature, the constants and relationships of physics, be so spot-on perfect for humans to exist? Beware: there is more than one answer lurking here.
Episode 07
Season 01
The fine-tuning of the constants of nature, which seems required for the existence of stars and planets and certainly for life and mind, is a fascinating feature of our...
9 videos
What enables structures to form in the universe? How did galaxies, stars and planets develop from the primeval plasma soup? What are the laws of nature that bring about...
8 videos
Cosmos: How vast? Fine-tuned? Fake? Consciousness: Mystery? Brain structure? Souls? ESP? Meaning: God make sense? Arguing God’s existence?
13 videos
Here’s the claim: cosmic conditions that allow complex structures — galaxies, stars, planets, people — depend on a few “constants of nature” lying within tight...
Episode 02
Season 19
Why do the “constants of nature” — masses of subatomic particles and strengths of forces like gravity and electromagnetism — have the values they do? Does fine-tuning...
Episode 03
Our universe seems fine-tuned for life, with the constants of physical laws having to be within tight boundaries. Does this mean that the universe has a goal of...
12 videos
The physical laws of our universe must be just so in order for life and mind-for us-to exist. ‘Just so’ is called ‘fine-tuning’, and it seems to...
The universe works for us because deep physical laws seem to work. But if the values of these laws would much change, in either direction, then all we see and know could not...
7 videos
If all is random and our universe is the only universe, the chance existence of human awareness would seem incredible. Because the laws of physics would have to be so...
Our universe must be “just so” in order for life and mind-for us-to exist. “Just so” is called “fine-tuning,” and it cries out for...
Season 09