Why is there a world, a cosmos, something, anything instead of absolutely nothing at all? If nothing existed, there would be nothing to explain. That anything exists demands...
Topic Series
6 videos
Is there a relationship between diverse arts and belief in God? Can the arts express or encourage religious belief? If so, can it be validated?
9 videos
Why Seek an Alternative God? [God] Is God, if there is a God, a personal, conscious, all-powerful Supreme Being? Some offer radically different concepts of ‘God’.
Episode 10
Season 12
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, Hinduism, and Shintoism address causality, consciousness, energies, God, ultimate reality? What is non- dualism? How is the world...
Episode, Season
Episode 1
Season 24
Does God exist? Or something like God? Or some kind of deity or demiurge? If so, what is its essence and nature? We explore Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Chinese...
5 videos
Is analytic theology for the better, clarifying beliefs? Or for the worse, undermining faith? How does it compare with philosophy of religion, biblical studies and exegesis,...
Episode 13
Season 18
The strength of religious belief is prodigious. People dedicate their lives, not eat certain foods (or not eat at all), refrain from sex, even sacrifice their lives—all for...
What is the relationship between experiencing art and experiencing God? Can the arts generate or trigger religious experience? If so, can it be validated?
When you ask what things really exist, and you think deeply about this probe to apprehend what is out there, you see the whole world anew. What are the most general...
7 videos
Does God know all future events? Only if the future is in some real sense already determined. God, to be God, must know every true proposition, including all about the...
8 videos