All who affirm that God does exist should examine the strong attacks of those who conclude that God does not exist, and then assess the sharp counterattacks of scholarly...
Episode 05
Season 04
What happens after we die? Is there life after death? If so, what kind of life? From heaven and hell to systems and cycles of reincarnation, we explore Hinduism, Buddhism,...
Topic Series
4 videos
What is the cause of the cosmos? There may not be so many options. Consider: if the cosmos is eternal, it has no beginning. In this scenario, the cosmos has an infinite...
5 videos
The claim that Jesus was a pre-existing spiritual being who assumed human flesh is the central tenet of Christianity. What exactly would this mean? Could Jesus really be...
3 videos
Western religions have a specific image of the divine. For example, God is not only a person but also seems to have gender—and it is always masculine. Some are now...
7 videos
What is the relationship between science and religion in the major traditions: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Chinese traditions as well as Christianity? What are...
Cosmologists are making startling discoveries, with real data enabling deep theories about the beginning and end of our universe and informed speculations about various kinds...
9 videos
In the New Testament, Paul is axial, the formulator of uniquely Christian doctrines. But why is Paul controversial? One critical question is Paul’s teachings relative to...
2 videos
This is personal. Why should I want to believe in God? Is belief a circular path of self-deception? Or the shortest route to bedrock reality?
Episode 03
Season 11
What is the ultimate future? How do the major religions address “final things”—eschatology—life after death, structure of reality, transformation of the world? We...
6 videos
What is the farthest extent of the physical world, not only cosmologically across the universe but also conceptually across laws of nature? Can there be radical new...
The Christian claim is that salvation is the ultimate goal of human life. But what literally is salvation and how does one obtain it? How to comprehend each element of the...