What is the ultimate essence of all things? What is ultimate existence, the ground of being? What are transcendence, oneness, ineffability, causation? What is Brahman in...
Topic Series
4 videos
The claim that God is simple is a profound vision of the essence of God. What does it mean for God to be simple? The question addresses God’s composition. God has...
7 videos
What are the classical arguments used to prove the existence of God? For the Cosmological Argument we argue First Cause; from the Ontological Argument we argue Necessary...
6 videos
What would it mean for God to have a ‘nature’? A nature is a deep essence that defines a particular way of being. Would God’s nature characterize, limit or...
9 videos
The tension between human free will and God’s knowledge of the future threatens both. It’s called God’s ‘foreknowledge’—God knowing now what will happen...
Episode 12
Season 14
We dig into issues and arguments about God’s existence—and, if God exists, about God’s nature or traits. We explore competing ideas about God and assess divine...
Episode 04
Season 15
I like arguments about God, whether based on science, philosophy or personal experience. I like to push and to be pushed, explore the possible existence of a Creator. I must...
Episode 06
Season 10
God is often defined in terms of infinities: God has infinite power, knows infinite thing, is infinitely good. But do real, actual infinities make sense when refering to God...
The God debate is not a game. ‘Is there a Creator God?’ is a serious question. If God exists, what can we know about God? Can an infinite God be accessible to...
10 videos
Why is an ‘open’ future controversial among theologians? If the future is not ‘settled’, if there is no certainty from God’s viewpoint of how...
The Problem of Evil troubles believers, and well it should. The moral evil of human acts. The natural evil of nature. How could God be both all powerful and all good?...