I search for God but keep clear of miracles. Believers exhort me to accept that miracles are real, to recognize that miracles demonstrate the existence of a supernatural...
Episode 04
Season 07
I desire God to be real, so I know that the easiest person to fool is myself. That’s why I favor rational arguments for, and against, the existence of a Supreme...
Episode 03
Season 09
I’m obsessed by raw existence, which science can never explain. Does this mean that there is a God? I wish it were that simple. Yet some claim that a ‘Most...
Episode 07
Season 08
Some say that consciousness exists independent of brain, apart from the material world, and from this mystery some infer the existence of God.
What’s the relationship, if there is a relationship, between God and evolution? ‘Theistic evolution’ is the claim that while evolution is real, God makes...
Topic Series
8 videos
Is Jesus God? Obviously, religions differ. But what about within the Christian religion? Is there a unified view of Jesus? Jesus before his human birth? Jesus during his...
10 videos
Many theologians take angels and demons seriously. Why? Certainly, most human beings believe in angels and demons. Anecdotal cases are legion. Certainly, such nonphysical...
7 videos
Many theologians take angels and demons seriously. Why? Certainly, most human beings believe in angels and demons. Certainly, such nonphysical beings, in one form or another,...
Episode 10
Season 04
How do physicists and philosophers who believe in God harmonize the discoveries of cosmology with the doctrine of creation? How does cosmology enhance or erode their belief...
6 videos
If God is infallible and knows the future perfectly, then God knows what I will do at every moment from my birth to my death. So where’s my free will?
God is supposed to have perfect knowledge, which includes all true statements about the future. Does this mean that God knows everything about what is to come? But if the...
Episode 01
Season 03