Does God have real choices? Or is God bound tightly by God’s own nature? Can God do absolutely everything? Can God be ‘brave’? Can God ‘improve’? For God to be God,...
Episode 13
Season 14
Can God and the enormity of evil both exist? To theists, it’s the problem of evil, which they struggle to resolve. To atheists, it’s the argument from evil, which...
Topic Series
5 videos
If God is the Creator, what is God’s on-going relationship with the creation? Does God sustain the world by an active process, such that if God stopped doing so, the...
8 videos
If God exists, and if God ordains history and intervenes with miracles, how does God do it? Tweak quantum fields? Fiddle with every subatomic particle? Command all of them en...
If God can do everything, what would this mean? Can God make a circle square, a bachelor married, 2+2=5? Can God make it the case that God does not exist? How about change...
4 videos
If God is a ‘perfect being’, God must have necessary existence. But would it be a contradiction in logic if God did not exist? Would God’s non-existence be...
7 videos
The God debate is not a game. ‘Is there a Creator God?’ is a serious question. If God exists, what can we know about God? Can an infinite God be accessible to...
10 videos
God is often defined in terms of infinities: God has infinite power, knows infinite thing, is infinitely good. But do real, actual infinities make sense when refering to God...
6 videos
Is God temporal, existing in time as we humans do? Or is God outside of time, eternal, and living a radically different kind of existence? Does God experience everything...
9 videos
If God exists, did God create absolutely everything? Did God create out of literally nothing? Suppose there were no beginning, just the universe, or multiple universes, going...