God is supposed to be all-powerful, all-knowing and all good. In addition, is God is supposed to be ‘all-free’? What does it mean for God to be perfectly free?...
Topic Series
7 videos
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the essence of human sentience? What is consciousness? What is the self? What is qi? Do humans have souls or...
5 videos
How on earth could God be reconciled with massive, monstrous Evil? If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, and if God is the creator, wouldn’t God be responsible for evil?
Episode 02
Season 14
Humans have a sense of right and wrong. Does this mean that morality is absolute? And if it’s absolute, would God be needed to make it so? These are separate questions...
6 videos
Is it possible to infer something of the nonphysical, divine existence of God from the physical, human existence of art? Can one argue for God from art?
8 videos
If God is infallible and knows the future perfectly, then God knows what I will do at every moment from my birth to my death. So where’s my free will?
Episode 10
Season 07
Evolutionary psychology naturalizes religion. It seeks to explain elements of mind by selection and survival over time. Take altruism—individuals sacrificing themselves for...
9 videos
To assess whether God exists, we must ask what kind of God is supposed to exist? But can humans probe God? Can we inquire into God’s essence and nature? Is God at all...
That there is ‘something’ and not ‘nothing’, and that science cannot explain why, is truly fascinating. Does this mean that there is a God? Some argue...
4 videos
Does God exist? Or something like God? Or some kind of deity or demiurge? If so, what is its essence and nature? We explore Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Chinese...
To argue for God, the easy way appears to be ‘design’, the obvious order and apparent purpose of the world. How could all of this be if there were no God? Quite easily,...
Episode 04
Humans differ significantly from other animals, but what about God follows from that? Everyone agrees that humans have superior mental capacities and vastly greater social...