No one denies the diversity of human religions, and the apparent incompatibility of their core beliefs. Many believe only their own religion to be True. Some claim all...
Episode 07
Season 03
To assess the limits of God’s freedom is to probe the essence of what it means for a Supreme Being to exist. Assuming God created the cosmos, it would seem that nothing...
Topic Series
5 videos
What is the cause of the cosmos? There may not be so many options. Consider: if the cosmos is eternal, it has no beginning. In this scenario, the cosmos has an infinite...
What is the deep nature of the world? What is the role of value? What goes beyond the physical world? What is fundamental reality? We explore Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism,...
Many religions envision a radical transformation of reality. The supernatural intervention of God or God-like forces changes everything. What, conceivably, could this new...
7 videos
I would like to believe in God, but conflicting religions trouble me. Religions clash and compete-and that’s a problem for those who believe or want to believe.
Episode 11
Season 10
Whether God exists may depend on whether God is necessary. ‘Necessary’, in the philosophical sense, means ‘impossible not to exist’. Even if God...
Evil is a high hurdle for theists. Given the savagery of moral evil (what humans do to humans) and the horrors of natural evil (earthquakes, tsunamis, disease), how could an...
8 videos
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the perennial problems of suffering, ethics, ritual and contemplative practices? Why is suffering so important in...
Episode 3
Season 24
Divine providence is God’s capacity to bring about the purposes and promises of God with 100 percent certainty—for individuals, for humanity, indeed for the cosmos as...
That God became human is the core of the Christian religion. What is the deep meaning of the incarnation? What are the prime elements that compose the incarnation? Can...