Theology is the study of God and religious doctrines. While few people are convinced to become believers by studying theology, many have come to appreciate the issues,...
Topic Series
7 videos
God is supposed to have perfect knowledge, which includes all true statements about the future. Does this mean that God knows everything about what is to come? But if the...
Episode 01
Season 03
When believers argue that God exists, what mistakes do they make? What are their errors in logic as well as in fact? Whoever wants to believe in God must not use arguments...
Episode 10
Season 16
How to think about God afresh? Can we consider God—God’s possible existence, God’s essence and nature—without preconceived assumptions or biases? What...
5 videos
‘A new heaven and a new earth’ is the grand vision of the Bible. The Judeo-Christian scriptures tell of a future time when all things shall be made new. What...
9 videos
The problem of evil troubles believers and well it should. How to explain the moral evil of human acts and the natural evil of nature? How could God be both all-powerful and...
11 videos
Whether God exists may depend on whether God is necessary. Even if God exists, would it have been possible for God not to exist? In other words, even if God does exist, could...
Episode 07
Season 06
What is the relationship between science and religion in the major traditions: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Chinese traditions as well as Christianity? What are...
The Christian incarnation is the central event of the Christian religion. Some Christian theologians go further and claim the incarnation to be the central event in the...
6 videos
Almost all religions promise eternal life. In one form or another, the message goes forth that death is not final. But each religion paints its own portrait of the hereafter:...
Episode 12
Almost all religions offer some kind of life or awareness after physical death. Speculations of what such life after death might be like—the form it might take, how we...
4 videos