I search for God but keep clear of miracles. Believers exhort me to accept that miracles are real, to recognize that miracles demonstrate the existence of a supernatural...
Episode 04
Season 07
Why does the order of the universe lead some to God? Can an connection be made from the apparent order in the universe to the existence of an order-giver such as God? But God...
Topic Series
6 videos
What happens when deep questions of God are addressed by the precise methods of analytic philosophy? It’s not about “proving” the existence of God. It is about...
8 videos
In searching, striving to know God—if there is a God—we discover contrasting ways that God could be. It is good to wonder about God, see a landscape of possibilities, get...
Episode 05
Season 15
Could God be eternal? For God to be eternal, God would exist outside of time, would not experience time’s flow. God would have no past, present or future. As Boethius...
Abstract objects, like numbers and logic, give God problems. Because they always exist and exist necessarily, abstract objects cannot be created or destroyed. But could God...
11 videos
What would it mean for God to know the future? Know the general patterns of history and lives? Or know every last, minute fact about every possible thing that happens? Next,...
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions and Hinduism address Final Things—eschatology—life after death and the ultimate transformation of the world? What are reincarnation...
4 videos
God exists? God does not exist? I find flaws and fallacies in both sides. So I step away from “arguments” about God and ask how to approach God’s existence....
Episode 01
From biblical times to Darwin, natural theology had a majestic mission—to detect and discern God by seeing and sensing God’s presence in the world. The key to natural...
How to comprehend religious doctrines, specifically Christian doctrines? Systematic theology seeks to organize, categorize, describe, explain, analyze and compare the...
5 videos