What happens when deep questions of God are addressed by the precise methods of analytic philosophy? It’s not about “proving” the existence of God. It is about...
Topic Series
8 videos
If God created the cosmos, what created God? It would not make sense for anything to have created God, because then that ‘anything’, not God, would be God. So, if...
5 videos
If God exists, one most important question is whether God is a “person”. Only a person has awareness, beliefs, intents, goals, relationships. An impersonal force...
Episode 12
Season 05
How can we know whether God really exists, if we do not know what God really is? Diverse religions offer diverse views of what God is supposed to be and do. Consider...
Abstract objects, like numbers and logic, give God problems. Because they always exist and exist necessarily, abstract objects cannot be created or destroyed. But could God...
11 videos
Religion without God? Most people believe that God exists and religion is God’s revelation. But some say religion, particularly the organization of religion into...
7 videos
Whether extra-terrestrial intelligences exist has profound implications for human religion. We are either alone or not alone in the universe, but no matter the ultimate...
Episode 07
Season 04
To what kind of entity does the word “God” refer? What is this God that all worship or dismiss? What, supposedly, is God’s nature? What are God’s traits?
Episode 06
Season 17
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions and Hinduism address Final Things—eschatology—life after death and the ultimate transformation of the world? What are reincarnation...
4 videos
What kind of God would create Hell? Does the nature of Hell offer insight into what that kind of God would be like? Does the truth of Christianity, Judaism, Islam depend on...
6 videos
I desire God to be real, so I know that the easiest person to fool is myself. That’s why I favor rational arguments for, and against, the existence of a Supreme...
Episode 03
Season 09
How to comprehend religious doctrines, specifically Christian doctrines? Systematic theology seeks to organize, categorize, describe, explain, analyze and compare the...