Can God and the enormity of evil both exist? To theists, it’s the problem of evil, which they struggle to resolve. To atheists, it’s the argument from evil, which...
Topic Series
5 videos
It’s a staggering idea: God became flesh. Why would the Creator become human? For believers, how could Divine and Human natures interact? For non-believers, how do beliefs...
Episode 11
Season 19
If God exists, and if God ordains history and intervenes with miracles, how does God do it? Tweak quantum fields? Fiddle with every subatomic particle? Command all of them en...
8 videos
A perfect being, as defined by philosophically motivated theologians, is “that which no greater can be conceived”. What does this mean? Is this coherent? Is...
7 videos
Judaism, Christianity and Islam each proclaim a resurrection of the dead, a bodily reconstruction of all people from all time. How would it work? Does it make sense?
Season 11
Does God exist? Or something like God? Or some kind of deity or demiurge? If so, what is its essence and nature? We explore Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Chinese...
What are the classical arguments used to prove the existence of God? For the Cosmological Argument we argue First Cause; from the Ontological Argument we argue Necessary...
6 videos
The God debate is not a game. Is there a God? If so, what are God’s essences and traits? What are all the ways that God could be? Or could not be? We discover different...
Episode 03
Season 05
Is our search for God too narrow? Why do some philosophers espouse ‘pantheism’? Pantheism’s claim is not shy: God is the Cosmos and the Cosmos is God. But...
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the ultimate essence of all things, the ground of being? What are transcendence, oneness, interconnectivity,...
Can atonement absolve sin? For believers, how could The Atonement work? What’s the process? For non-believers, what does The Atonement say about the kind of God that...
Episode 12
Is God, if there is a God, the ‘God of History’? Does God make specific interventions in the course of human events to ensure that God’s purpose be...
12 videos