Who’s the boss, me or my brain? Brain data does not favor free will. In the famous Libet experiment, my brain makes decisions prior to my conscious sense of making that...
Topic Series
7 videos
Is there a supreme being, a creator of all things, a God? Can arguments—reasons, logic, ways of thinking—cut through traditions, norms, feelings? Believers bear the...
Episode 09
Season 15
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the essence of human sentience? What is consciousness? What is the self? What is qi? Do humans have souls or...
Episode 2
Season 24
What does it mean for God to have a “nature”? Will contradictions emerge that deny God? Or can we know even a little of what such an incredible Being might be...
Episode 10
Season 08
If God exists, one most important question is whether God is a “person”. Only a person has awareness, beliefs, intents, goals, relationships. An impersonal force...
Episode 12
Season 05
Self; no self. Mind, soul, spirit. Personhood; personal identity; agency; free will. Predestination. Karma. Obligations; worship; sacrifice.What is the human person? Are we a...
6 videos
Why might free will be a key to understanding consciousness? What is it about the problems of free will such that addressing these problems can elucidate the deep structure...
Western religions claim that God is all-knowing. Then the trouble starts. What does it mean to know everything? Is God’s knowledge of the future truth? Are...
The world certainly appears to be designed. Are appearances deceiving? Discover new twists to this old argument.
Season 01
The many different religions of the world proclaim radically different, often opposing and contradictory doctrines about God. How then can their believers be worshipping the...
9 videos
Can free will reveal the nature of mental states? Free will seems so obvious, yet defies physical explanation. That’s the reason why free will can be a tool to explore...
10 videos