Humanity’s diverse religions have deeply opposing beliefs that conflict and contradict. How then to claim that any one is the ‘true religion’? How to...
Topic Series
8 videos
What kind of God would create hell? Does the truth of Christianity, Judaism and Islam depend on the reality of Hell? Does the nature of Hell offer Insight into what that God...
Episode 12
Season 11
Free will is a perennial conundrum. The ‘Big Questions in Free Will’ project brought together scientists, philosophers and theologians in a novel...
5 videos
If I seek God and avoid “the problem of evil,” I fool myself. If there is a God, evil is God’s hardest problem. If there is no God, evil is No-God’s...
Episode 09
Season 10
How to think about God afresh? Can we consider God—God’s possible existence, God’s essence and nature—without preconceived assumptions or biases? What...
6 videos
Can God be known only by faith? What is faith? What does faith feel like? Can faith be actionable, practical? Describing faith is one thing; having faith, quite another.
Episode 02
Season 17
Turn the tables on whether God exists. Atheists take their best shots at disproving God; theists deflect the arguments, defending God. Atheists come harder still; theists...
Episode 11
Season 02
Can art inform topics in philosophy of religion? Can the existence and varieties of art address or affect theological questions about God, faith, belief, worship?
7 videos
Is God, if there is a God, a personal, conscious, all-powerful Supreme Being? Some offer radically different concepts of ‘God’, exploring novel ideas of what God...
9 videos
No one argues that religions do not contradict one another. There are similarities, such as realities beyond the physical, morality, duties to do, rules to follow. But at our...
14 videos