How can the three pounds of wet tissue inside our skulls create and appreciate the grandeur and psychic power of music? Musical feel, beauty and emotion seem so radically...
Topic Series
5 videos
Do human beings have immortal souls? Science dismisses anything nonphysical, and even some theologians reject immortal souls. But if no immortal souls, what happens to...
Episode 09
Season 08
Humans are obviously far more capable than other animals. There’s no comparison in personal capacities and social achievement. But what physically distinguishes humans?...
7 videos
What makes me a self? I see. I hear. I feel. How can separate perceptions bind together into a coherent mental unity? How can all be me? And how does my self persist through...
Episode 06
6 videos
Do I disappear at death? My body? Sure, it’s gone. But my awareness? Does my consciousness end forever? What could be more frightening! Is there any hope here?
Episode 12
Season 07
What can music reveal about how the mind works? How does cognitive science study the human capacity for, and experience of, music? How to tease apart the elements of music:...
We like to think that we are rational, that what we believe is what is true. But we often believe because of our “belief systems”-“how we believe” may...
Episode 10
Season 10
Why do people believe the things they do? We like to think that we are rational, that what we believe is true. But often we come to our beliefs, unknowingly, as a product of...
Physically, humans and animals seem similar. Mentally, humans seem so superior. What’s so special about human nature?
Episode 02
Season 12