Art Seeking Understanding (ASU): Closer To Truth tracks on-going ASU projects seeking modes of discovery and ways to deepen understanding. We focus on each project’s...
Topic Series
What is the relationship between consciousness and the nature of ultimate reality? Some say there is no relationship; consciousness is a late, contingent product of...
Explore diverse theories of consciousness including materialism, dualism, panpsychism, idealism, and diverse ways of thinking about consciousness from the perspectives of...
Panpsychism is the theory that consciousness is irreducible and exists fundamentally at the foundations of reality. Panpsychism forms include ‘micropsychism,’ where...
Materialism is the theory that only the physical is real, such that consciousness must be entirely a product of the brain. Materialism is counting on neuroscience to explain...
Idealism is the theory that all reality is consciousness and only consciousness, and that what we perceive to be the physical world is either a manifestation of consciousness...
Given the myriad theories of consciousness on offer, how can they be assessed? What criteria should we use to compare and contrast diverse theories? Evaluating Materialism...
Dualism is the theory that ultimate reality is composed of two radically different kinds of things, physical things and non-physical things, and that these same two kinds...