Whether extra-terrestrial intelligences exist has profound implications for human religion. We are either alone or not alone in the universe, but no matter the ultimate...
Episode 07
Season 04
All who affirm that God does exist should examine the strong attacks of those who conclude that God does not exist, and then assess the sharp counterattacks of scholarly...
Episode 05
What makes a human being a “person?” What provides our sense of unity and continuity? While most people assume that to be a person is to have a soul, most...
Episode 04
What can we know about God? The easy answer is “nothing”: God is not like anything. But that’s not good enough. If there is a God, God must have traits. No?
Episode 02
No one denies the diversity of human religions, and the apparent incompatibility of their core beliefs. Many believe only their own religion to be True. Some claim all...
Season 03
How did the human mind, with all its faculties and capacities, develop during the long evolution of human beings? ‘Evolutionary psychology’ is the field that hypothesizes...
Topic Series
5 videos
Does everything need a cause? Everything in the universe surely does. But what about the universe as a whole? And what about God – assuming God exists – does God...
Episode 12
Season 01
Some claim that their scientific study of extrasensory perception, or parapsychology, overturns the worldview of science. Should we take these startling pronouncements...
Episode 11
The world certainly appears to be designed. Are appearances deceiving? Discover new twists to this old argument.
Episode 09
Is the “Real You” a special substance that is both nonphysical and immortal? Most people think “Certainly”. Most scientists think “Certainly...
Episode 08
You’ve heard the raucous noise about God; now listen to the cogent arguments, con and pro. Not that determining the existence of God is up for vote; when searching for...
Episode 06