Arguments for God, and against God, each call the universe as witness, each count the universe as evidence. God believers invoke the universe’s apparent fine-tuning....
Episode 08
Season 06
Whether God exists may depend on whether God is necessary. Even if God exists, would it have been possible for God not to exist? In other words, even if God does exist, could...
Episode 07
What does it mean for God to be all knowing? Does being “omniscient” make sense? If so, can deep insights be gleaned about God? If not, could the whole concept of...
Episode 04
Parapsychologists are sure ESP is real. Skeptics are sure it is not. But if ESP is real, would ESP need to go beyond physical laws, reaching into unknown non-physical realms?
Episode 03
What is the relationship between science and religion in the major traditions: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Chinese traditions as well as Christianity? What are...
Topic Series
5 videos
What is the deep nature of the world? What is the role of value? What goes beyond the physical world? What is fundamental reality? We explore Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism,...
6 videos
From biblical times to Darwin, natural theology tried to detect and discern God by seeing and sensing His presence in the world-the world alone, without revelation. But after...
Episode 01
What happens after we die? Is there life after death? If so, what kind of life? From heaven and hell to systems and cycles of reincarnation, we explore Hinduism, Buddhism,...
If God exists, one most important question is whether God is a “person”. Only a person has awareness, beliefs, intents, goals, relationships. An impersonal force...
Episode 12
Season 05
Self; no self. Mind, soul, spirit. Personhood; personal identity; agency; free will. Predestination. Karma. Obligations; worship; sacrifice.What is the human person? Are we a...
Does God exist? Or something like God? Or some kind of deity or demiurge? If so, what is its essence and nature? We explore Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Chinese...